Saturday, March 14, 2009

Life has been wonderful...

Life has been wonderful, well other than being sick for three weeks. About a two months ago I had a long conversation with one of my BCM friends. After this conversation, almost totally focused on the past two years of my life as a Phi Mu, she asked me to speak at an upcoming BCM. I didn't give her an answer that night because I was really unsure about it at the time. In all honesty I was hoping she would forget she even asked...

But lo and behold she sends me a facebook message. She tells me topic of the night she wants me to speak is "eyes that see the opportunities around me." Fitting for a sorority girl"s testimony. Several days went by and after counseling with several friends I felt God give the ok...

On came the nerves, the what ifs, and what does God really want me to say. As time got closer and closer I had been jotting some things down here or there but nothing conclusive, so Sunday night before I was to speak on Tuesday I broke it all down, wrote it all, and searched deep into the word of God. By Tuesday night I was overwhelmed by what God had revealed to me and overwhelmed with the difficult direction he was taking my talk into. I have never been one to care about stepping on people's toes but for some reason I thought some of the things I might talk about would crush toes instead of just bruise them. Why I doubt God and His plan I will never know but He is incredibly faithful...

Tuesday night came and I had a complete since of peace, well until the room started to fill up! Let me just say God was waiting for me when I walked up to that music stand. He spoke through in an incredible way, in a way I didn't think was possible. We started in Matthew 28:28-20 where we are told to go. Then we were reminded about how we were created in the image of God in Genesis 1:27. Next we ate with Jesus and the tax collectors in Matthew 9:9-12 and Luke 15:1-7 because we needed to be reminded that it is not the righteous who need to be eating with the Lord but the unrighteous and how Jesus built relationships with these people. John 17:6-26 Jesus prays for his disciples and future believers where we are shown to be in the world not of it and that we are to be unified with the trinity because that is our catalyst and example for relational ministry. Avalon speaks clearly about being in not of the world in there song "in not of." But even the righteous make mistakes and so instead of being sharpened by believers I was being sharpened by the world Proverbs 27:17. Building relationship with unbelievers can be difficult especially when we see what God says about the plank in your own eye in Luke 6:37-42. God says he will never leave you nor forsake true this verse is when the very people I was scared would have crushed toes welcomed me with open arms, others came crying for the changes they knew they needed to make, and still others just said again why do I doubt God's plan, I will never know.

It wasn't just my opportunity to speak at BCM that has made life wonderful it is also my Monday night Bible study. God continues to blow me away with what he is doing with this intimate group of girls. But it is not just what happens on Monday nights but it is what takes place in between. We love, we support, we listen, we care. These girls are incredible and they have so much to offer. I am overly blessed to call them my friends. Each of their individual personalities warms my heart in a very unique way filling me up in the ways only sisters in Christ could!

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful for you, my dear friend! God has blessed me with you in my life. Thanks for always listening. Love you!
