2011 will be an EPIC year in the life of jillmariethomas...
and theses are the reasons why...
1. Read the Bible from cover to cover
2. Run "11" "races in 2011" including Warrior Dash with the one and only racequ
3. Graduate from nursing school
4. Pursue nursing jobs in South Africa and hopefully make a move across the big blue
5. Run my 1st half marathon
6. Run my 1st marathon
7. Pursue God in a new and different way
8. Make a difference in the lives of the people around me
9. Continuing on my journey of healthy living
10. Make friendships a priority
11. Kayak a class 3
12. Finish knitting the scarf I started over 2 years ago
13. Learn to snow ski or better yet snowboard
14. Jump out of a plane for round #2
15. Serve the Lord my God with all my heart, and all my soul, and all my mind
so let me just say, I was about to call you out for not having blogged since our weekend of Frye boots and painting tiles but I saw your link on facebook! then I figured out the reason I didn't know you were updating, you're not listed on my blog! so proud of you friend!