Thursday, December 30, 2010

One "word"...

One "word"...
I recently saw the movie Eat Pray Love for the second time. While Julia Roberts character (Elizabeth Gilbert) is in Rome her friends ask her what her "word" is. Gilbert is unsure what they are referring to and so her friends give her examples...
Rome - sex
Stockholm - conform
New York - ambitions
Gilbert already on an incredible journey begins to dig within to determine her one "word;" a "word" that can unlock a city or person and his or her the end of the movie Gilbert, after pouring through books determines her word to be...
attraversiamo "let's cross over"
So in watching this movie I found myself longing to determine what one "word" unlocks who I am...when I began digging within I realized that I had already determined my word and in fact already blogged about it...
I am and will always be a fighter...

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