Thursday, December 30, 2010

One "word"...

One "word"...
I recently saw the movie Eat Pray Love for the second time. While Julia Roberts character (Elizabeth Gilbert) is in Rome her friends ask her what her "word" is. Gilbert is unsure what they are referring to and so her friends give her examples...
Rome - sex
Stockholm - conform
New York - ambitions
Gilbert already on an incredible journey begins to dig within to determine her one "word;" a "word" that can unlock a city or person and his or her the end of the movie Gilbert, after pouring through books determines her word to be...
attraversiamo "let's cross over"
So in watching this movie I found myself longing to determine what one "word" unlocks who I am...when I began digging within I realized that I had already determined my word and in fact already blogged about it...
I am and will always be a fighter...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Often or Offen..

Often or Offen...

a word in the south spoken as "offen"

One night, this little word that is used so frivorously in everyday conversation became very intriguing as racequ and I pondered the difference in the way the word was spoken and written...after much conversation we decided that we should silence letters in other words and the one that stuck for us was "awe-ome" better known to the rest of the world as awesome. This new pronunciation of this classic adjective has even made a debut thousands of feet in the sky on a recent skydiving adventure. We use it "offen" and even correct ourselves when we slip and say awesome with the "s" instead of "awe-ome"!

So, you are asking "why blog about this now?" racequ asked if I remembered what word led us to the creation of "awe-ome"...I had no idea...A few hours later the phone rings with racequ providing me with the word often as the answer to the question...and so with that I decided that I needed to document this word so as never to forget its origin again!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reigning in the mind of a fighter...

Reigning in the mind of a fighter seems to be an impossible task...

As graduation nears, once again, I have opened my future to the wealth of possibilities for the next step. I have known for so many years now that God did not ordain my life for a white picket fence in the suburbs but instead for a life of great adventure sharing his name with all I encounter. My heart never seems to be at peace unless I am in motion for the Lord. Every part of my selfish being wants to stay here in the city I love...get a great flat, furnish it with shabby chic furniture, have drinks with the girls several nights a week, fall in love, and strive to move as high as I can on the job ladder...but if I were to choose such a life I would be missing out on all the Lord has to offer. I would never be at peace with anything around me and at some point would more than likely self-destruct. Instead I am currently looking for nursing jobs in South Africa, Cape Town specifically. The Lord has already been faithful in so many ways by providing incredible contacts with a wealth of information. Though this journey will be excruciatingly long and hard I am prepared to FIGHT until success is achieved. At some point I plan to further my education more (a masters or nurse practitioner degree in public health, two great programs at Emory) but for now I will see what the Lord has in store across the big blue sea!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I begin with a tribute...

I begin with a tribute to the woman who reminded me that my Creator made me a fighter...

I met Patricia Fields a mere 9 months ago at the onset of a devastating diagnosis but I would quickly learn that she was a fighter. The Lord's timing is forever perfect and he knew that I needed Pat in my life at exactly this moment and in the same way he knew she and her family would need me equally as much. I am forever indebted to the legacy of a woman who may never know the impact she had on my life...

The following is an excerpt from a letter I wrote to Pat's oldest daughter...
It has been my utmost privilege and honor to have had the opportunity to know and love your mother. the things Pat taught me I believed to be unteachable and the life experiences she gave me is nothing short of priceless. I remember sitting on her hospital bed one night reading the Bible to her and thinking what an amazing privilege it is to read scripture to such a matriarch. Connie, your mother was a true woman of the faith. a mother that would not stop fighting so as to continue being the mother she needed to be. Pat reminded me to laugh in the midst of the storm and to be at peace with the plan of the Lord. She taught me to be a fighter to never succumb to what life throws at you but to be strong in the faith knowing he is forever faithful...
Thank you for welcoming me with open arms and for letting me be a part of the intimacy of the end. You will never know how much that meant to me. Pat may have proceeded us in death but she left behind the most powerful model of a Godly woman that any person would long to be privy to. I grew to love Pat dearly as well as you and the rest of the family! I know that this is simply of the beginning of a great and wonderful friendship and that I am bounded to you and your family indefinitely!

Patricia Fields thank you for reminding me I am a FIGHTER...

A fighter for those who can't fight for themselves

A fighter against the distractions of the enemy who tries to pull me away from my calling

A fighter for all that I deserve as a daughter of the King

Saturday, December 18, 2010

It is the renewing of the soul...

It is the renewing of the soul that brings about fresh life and so with that, I begin my blogging journey once again...

There is so much to recount, so much new found wisdom, so much bursting from the deepest parts of me...but I will take it slow, day by day I will poor out the things I have left blank on the page for oh so long...